Naomi Klein

"Walden Bello is the world‘s leading no-nonsense revolutionary. With plainspoken history and compelling evidence, he ruthlessly exposes the opportunism, plunder, and backroom bullying that passes for global capitalism. But this is more than a critique:...

A Requiem for the EDSA System?

The history of the last 18 years has been a dreary one for most Filipinos.  The promise of political liberation and economic and social progress that accompanied the overthrow of the Marcos dictatorship in February 1986 remained just that: a promise. As the...

The Penitent?s Progress

  The passage of the Anti-Terror Bill-now incongruously rebaptized the "Human Security Act of 2007"– marks the end of Gloria Macapagal Arroyo's penance for withdrawing the Philippine military contingent from Iraq following the kidnapping of...

Our Very Own Dirty War

In Argentina, during the “Dirty War” in the mid-seventies, the military used to load tortured university students into helicopters and push them into the stormy South Atlantic.  We have not yet come to that, thank god.  But the statistics are...